ISTQB Certification Practice - Introduction

With my last university course and my first site project both finished, it's about time I started looking for employment. One interesting requirement I spotted in some job postings was a certification from the ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board). It looks legit, and would fit nicely into my resume, so I'm going to put my next site project on hold to try and earn the "foundation"-level cert.

So, the next few entries of this journal will be my study notes based on the public ISTQB syllabus. I need to write them one way or another, and there's a chance that somebody somewhere will find them useful.

I expect there will be six parts to this journal series, corresponding to the six chapters in the foundation-level syllabus. Those chapters are:

  1. Fundamentals of Testing
  2. Testing throughout the Software Life Cycle
  3. Static techniques
  4. Test Design Techniques
  5. Test Management
  6. Tool Support for Testing

